Category: Uncategorized

  • I am sad to have to report that my father Geoffrey Hall died peacefully in his sleep on Boxing day, he was ninety years old. He had been suffering from a bad infection, and was not really recovering. Geoffrey was a Scout in the 14th Richmond Sea Scouts during the war years, his three other…

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  • On Tuesday the 22nd, Someone reported one of our boats in trouble on the moorings, Mark Edwards and one of his boys popped over the river in Robin Arundel, and found Hercules (our Home Counties Gig) awash, and seriously straining the mooring chains. The river was running at over 200cumecs … pretty fast. Mark part…

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  • The guests at the 89th Christmas breakfast had to stay at home and make their own breakfast this year, here are some of the glorious results.

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  • As mentioned in my last post, I intended to keep the tradition going albeit with a smaller guest list…. in this case only my household ….So we packed everything up and got down to the HQ early(ish) today, the Sunday before Christmas… And followed all the HQ Covid rules 🙂 Our Special guest this year…

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  • Although my last rather depressing post indicated that I could not run the Christmas Breakfast this year, which would have destroyed an almost 90 year continuous run, the Group even met during the second world war, and also while still building the old HQ. But… my wife had a brilliant idea, everyone could have a…

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  • Sadly there is no way we can run the Christmas Breakfast reunion this year – first time in almost 90 years 🙁 This would have been the 89th Breakfast, and the beginning of the 14th Richmond Centenary year. Hopefully we can make up for this in 2021. I wish all our supporters a Wonderful Christmas…

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  • Sad news, one of the great characters on our stretch of the river (Horse Reach) has passed. Francis Spencer owned and ran Hammertons Ferry which crosses the river at Marble Hill Park. Francis was a great friend of the 14th Richmond Boating Centre and would always give us a cheery wave as we navigated Jubilant…

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  • I was worried that we could not inspect the moorings again this year, in 2019 the river flow did not drop much below 150cumecs, and the level even during the draw off remained high, this year we had similar conditions, however on the last weekend of the draw off, the flow rate finally dropped marginally…

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  • While doing my weekly HQ and moorings check, I decided to have a mini Remembrance Day event on my own. Remembering …. my Uncle, Gordon Hall, who was an aircraft navigator and died in Italy aged 19. He was one of four boys, with Peter (spitfire pilot) Kenneth (Army logistics) and Geoff (my father) .Gordon…

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  • Hi All, We had another visit from a great team from the Good Gym who completed sanding (flatting) the Boat Arch doors, and applying a second coat of teak oil. So now looking as good as new and ready for the winter. I cannot thank them enough, I have been wanting to get this done…

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