Category: Uncategorized

  • Firstly , sorry for the long delay since the last posting. I have been very busy in my “day job” as the the company I work for was acquired by another … and there is a bit of American “Right Sizing” going on :-/ … So a lot lot to do in reforming teams and…

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  • I have fixed the fire alarm fault – A sensor had failed, so I have replaced and tested it. Please let me know if any other faults or alerts sound or are displayed on the Fire alarm panel or the burgler alarm. I have checked and bailed the boats, and replaced the loose cover on…

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  • The 14th Richmond Boating Center remains closed, as my risk assessment – which is consistent with British Rowing and The Scouts, says – is too risky for instruction of young people. I am visiting from time to time to check HQ and moorings/boats and do general maintenance. But I am still pretty busy with work and family, so…

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  • Our Centre Work boat – Robin Arundel is now operational again after I spent a fun afternoon replacing the starter motor. The motor was damaged when the bilge pump float switch failed at the beginning of the COVID 19 lockdown, and flooded the starter motor. I have now replaced the switch and the solar panel…

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  • Guy Brocklebank sadly passed away last week , he never really recovered from an accidental fall last year.For those that knew him , we will not forget the larger than life personality, who was a great supporter of traditional rowing on the Thames, through the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, the TTRA , the…

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  • Dear River Racers & Supporters, **SAD NEWS** Firstly, thank you for bearing with us in these difficult times. As you know we had hoped to be able to hold our Water Weekend in September but it is with great sadness that, due to Government Restrictions, we have decided that this will no longer be possible.…

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  • At the beginning of May, The Jubilant Crew, bored of being away from the water for so long devised a team challenge, and made over £2000 for the NSPCC charity. 34 is the length in kilometers of the Great River Race which the Jubilant Crew have trained for and raced in every year since the…

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  • The Centre operations manual update is now done for 2020 (it was done earlier but I had no way to re-publish) it can be found under the “Important Document” link in the header menu Trevor

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  • Hi all – this is the previous post – from March sent by email repeatedI had the HQ cleaned on the morning of Sat 21st , so all bins empty and surfaces and floor clean for when we need the centre again.Today I  went out on the river on Robin Arundel helped by my eldest…

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  • This is a prototype site with the new Scout branding and hopefully with more dynamic content

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