Call to Oars – 34 Challenge


At the beginning of May, The Jubilant Crew, bored of being away from the water for so long devised a team challenge, and made over £2000 for the NSPCC charity.

34 is the length in kilometers of the Great River Race which the Jubilant Crew have trained for and raced in every year since the boat was built

You can read more in the Richmond and Twickenham Times article

This was the Challenge sent out to all

The Crew of The Royal Shallop Jubilant is asking ALL rowers in the UK to join us in a fundraiser for the NSPCC by completing
The “34” Challenge

Individuals, households and virtual crews are invited to complete The “34” Challenge, representing the 34km of the annual Great River Race. Then donate via our JustGiving page- and post achievements on our dedicated facebook page

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