Robin Arundel


Our Centre Work boat – Robin Arundel is now operational again after I spent a fun afternoon replacing the starter motor. The motor was damaged when the bilge pump float switch failed at the beginning of the COVID 19 lockdown, and flooded the starter motor. I have now replaced the switch and the solar panel for battery recharge, so apart from being rather grubby, the boat is back to normal operation.

Note for the future : changing the starter motor should really be a two handed task, as you have to reach under the engine from the stern to access one of the mounting bolts, along with unscrewing it with a long bar socket and ratchet from the bow. Also, as with most boats, the engine sump and bilges are not the cleanest of places to be rummaging about …. on the plus side social distancing is not a problem if you are covered in old engine oil and bilge water.


P.S Robin Arundel has an interesting history, and I will write this up when I get a moment.