Author: admin

  • Jubilant on the river at Petersham meadow

    Please look at our website for more details. We cater for all sections, depending on river/weather conditions. Bookings can be made on the 14th Richmond website, however leaders will have to register for a booking account with the centre with me , if you have not got a login from previous years at Trevor Centre…

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  • It is with a heavy heart, that my first post this year is to share the sad news that Robin Corti passed away peacefully in his sleep on Tuesday 5th March . Robin had been bravely battling with his illness for the last year, but  continued to be involved in Scout and other charity activities…

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  • Jubilant was relaunched after a major refit over the winter, she is all pristine and freshly varnished ready for the 2023 season. Bookings can be made for outing on Jubilant or our other boats from our booking page (email the boating centre if you do not have a registered login account) We are also looking…

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  • Flowerpot Island at Richmond with cormorants

    After a lot of work clearing Robin Arundel’s prop from a couple of metres of tangled rope, and rebuilding the prop thrust plate supports, this Sunday I finally got to taker her for a spin around our moorings by the flowerpot islands to check our boats (bailing, covers ropes etc) The day could not have…

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  • At last, after two years of pandemic lockdown, we were able to run the Christmas Breakfast face to face again. In the last two years we have had to resort to virtual celebrations at home, with everyone cooking their own breakfast. This year we also celebrated our Centenary (which actually happened last year). The 14th…

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  • This year we have a two month Draw-Off where the barrier curtain at Richmond Lock is not closed , this means the river drops to its natural level at low tide, and the foreshore and manu of the mooring areas dry out. We treat the draw-off as an opportunity to inspect and repair the Scout…

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  • The 14th Richmond Viking Boating Centre join the rest of the world in honouring the memory of our Queen Our District Commissioner, Phil Hunt, writes: We are all saddened across the District at the news of the passing of The Queen, the Patron of Scouting across the UK. We remember those occasions where Scouts from…

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  • Please use the “Login/Register” tab to get a user password, I will let you know details on the (protected) booking page access in the response. Sorry this has take a while, but our boats have been laid up for the winter, but available now (Jubilant will be on the water in approx 10 days) The…

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  • it is with greatest sadness that I have to pass on the news that our Centre President and friend Bamber passed away on the 8th February Bamber was a great supporter of the 14th, always with a cheery word to us while we were out on the river with groups of young people, and we all appreciated his…

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  • The Famous (and old) pontoon at Richmond riverfront has returned. The pontoon was built in the 1950s for the Festival of Britain so is in the order of 70years old. The pontoon has been at Turk’s boatyards in Chatham for the last few months, and been refurbished and modified to better serve the floating barge/restaurant.…

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