Covid cancelled Christmas Breakfast


Dear All,

I am very sorry, but the trends in COVID infections, and the general scientific advice indicated that the risks were too great to hold an event close to Christmas. I consulted with Robin our Group Secretary and Vic and we all agreed.

We are made and sent out the decision on the 16th December to minimise any costs to the Group, and also gives  a chance for the word to spread.  I do feel this is a postponement not a cancellation, we will  celebrate our 100 years history. So I am looking for a date in February to  try again. 

Hopefully some of you celebrated the 100th year of the 14th with a breakfast at home, if you have any pictures and we will put them on our website as I did last year,

We are very sorry for all of you looking forward to meeting up with people not seen for such a long time, but I will be in touch with a new date as soon as practical.